The SACNAS-IUB Chapter has won THREE National Awards:

*2012 Outstanding Chapter Renewal

*2013 Graduate Chapter of the Year Award

*2014 Outstanding Strategic Goal Setting and Assessment Award

SACNAS-Indiana University Bloomington Chapter

SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) is a national organization that encourages Chicano, Latino, and Native American students to pursue graduate education and obtained the advanced degrees necessary for science research, leadership, and teaching careers at all levels. SACNAS brings together undergrads, grads, post-docs, researchers and faculty from different backgrounds whose shared love of science and technology and desire to see more minorities as colleagues come together to help each other succeed. Each year, the SACNAS national conference brings its members together to share their research and to facilitate interactions between individuals from all levels in their academic careers.

Here are IUB, the SACNAS student-run chapter strives to support diversity by encouraging minorities in the sciences and acting as a support group through mentoring relationships among its members. To achieve these aims, we pursue two main goals: (1) prepare students for the national conference, so both IU and the student can be featured at the national level; and (2) outreaching and leveraging with other IU groups and associations to provide synergy and community within the campus. If interested in joining SACNAS or for more information on upcoming events, contact one of the officers (see Members page) or check out our calendar of events.


See our Chapter Constitution to learn about our governance.


Here is a brief overview of who we are:

Find out when our next events are, check out our calendar.